I will be forever grateful to these special people in my life and I thank all of them for how they have helped me grow; both professionally and personally. Many of them don't even know how much they have impacted me. There were those, in my very early working years, that I never stopped to thank personally. : ( If I knew how to contact them know, I would love to let them know how much I appreciated all that they did for me, taught me, etc.
Please make sure to take a few minutes to let these people in your professional life know exactly how much you appreciate them. It's always great to hear that something you did had a positive impact on someone else, that what you said really meant something to them, or that they made you stop and think about something in a different way. Knowing that you positively impacted someone is great validation. Not everyone needs to be told that they are doing great things, but it's something that deep down, we all like. It doesn't cost a thing. It's free, and it's a great way to give someone that little bit of encouragement they may need to get through a really crappy day.
Most recently, there was a man that helped me through some difficult times at my last job. My manager had insisted that I get a mentor. I already knew this man; loved his sense of humor, his candor and willingness to share information with me. These are only a few of the things that I appreciate so much about him. He knew my manager and he knew how difficult things were for me, and he happily agreed to be my mentor. Even before I was in the market for a "designated" mentor, he was already mentoring me. We went to lunch once a month, to our favorite Thai restaurant. I would tell him what was going on in my hellish corner of the world. After I spilled my guts, he would always ask me questions.....questions to get me thinking about my situation from all angles. "What if......?" "Why do you think.....?" "Have you tried....?" He often raised very valid points that I had not thought of. I was running on pure, unbridled emotion, and he always managed to get me to buckle my seat belt and settle down!
This man has a high profile and demanding job; however, he always made time for me. I was able to say exactly what was on my mind, using the exact, unprofessional language that I so wanted to use. He never judged or thought less of me. (If he did, he was kind enough to not let me see it!)
I always felt better after our lunches or brief chats at my desk. I don't know if he ever felt any better about his "stuff" afterward.....but I sure did! It was so incredibly awesome to have another person that I felt 100% safe with and could let my real thoughts and words escape. There was the usual "open door policy" with managers, HR, my peers.....but that was just pretend. No one else really wanted to hear exactly how anyone felt, or what they really wanted to say or do. It was a farce. Except for this one person.
So, today is the day that I thank "Fred" for all that he did for me. You are truly one of a kind! On those days when I wanted to stick a pen in my eye, or fall on a pair of scissors, I really appreciate you talking me down! (Or up, actually!) You have been an inspiration to me and you are someone that I will think of often.